Chinese Calendar (Tong Shu) with Charts of Qimen Dunjia (QMDJ)

Earth Branch of the Day:
Not auspicious for:
Flying Stars
of Year & Month
E 5

Year: Wood Dragon
Month: Wood Dog
Day: Wood Rabbit
Day Of the Week: Friday
Current season: Cold dew

Advantages and disadvantages resulting from the characteristics of the Day.


Not suitable for important matters

6. Zhi, Commanding

The day is suitable for starting a new project, accepting a position, signing an agreement, starting a business, starting renovation, laying the foundation. It is not unconditionally auspicious as it is followed by a day of destruction. Not suitable for moving and traveling.

Direct clash month/year

Disease day:

The day is unfavorable for visiting patients.

16-th lunar day

Clock Description

00:00 01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00
Fire E. Rat
Fire Bull
Earth Tiger
Earth Rabbit
Metal Dragon
Metal Snake
Water Horse
Water Goat
Wood Monkey
Wood Rooster
Fire Dog
Fire Pig
Earth L.Rat
00:00 – 01:00
Fire Early Rat

seeking for help

travel, investments, buying property, starting a business, signing of documents, wedding, romantic date, meetings

Empty hour: The time is unfavorable for traveling and money transactions.

Unzivilized Punishment: The combination of the day and hour may give rise to impiety, conflicts are possible.

Heavenly Nobleman hour: A very auspicious hour. It not only brings positive energy, but is also able to neutralize bad influences. Leads out of the void and copes with the destroyer of the year.

01:00 – 03:00
Fire Bull

travel, investments, buying property, starting a business, signing of documents, wedding

Empty hour: The time is unfavorable for traveling and money transactions.

Grapnel: The hour is not suitable for weddings, commerce and contract signing.

03:00 – 05:00
Earth Tiger
05:00 – 07:00
Earth Rabbit

Not suitable for important matters

Undesirable hour: Energy of the hour conflicts with energy of the day. Do not choose this time for matters of concern.

Prosperity hour: The hour is favorable for business, commercial and financial transactions, the signing of contracts.

Beginning: An hour is good for starting any action.

07:00 – 09:00
Metal Dragon

romantic date

starting a business, wedding, meetings, signing of documents

Harm: Sudden obstacles or troubles. Unfaithfulness and betrayal are possible.

Combination of stems: Harmonious hour, particularly suits to open relations.

09:00 – 11:00
Metal Snake

Not suitable for important matters

Unused hour: Energy of the hour conflicts with energy of the day. Do not choose this time for matters of concern.

Red Phoenix: Disputes and disagreements. The time is not favorable for negotiations or legal proceedings.

Messenger horse: The hour is favorable for the beginning of travel, and the beginning of those affairs, the result of which you want to get quickly.

11:00 – 13:00
Water Horse

investments, signing of documents, starting a business


Void of roads: Obstacles on the way, delays.

Gold Castle: Star of wealth, suitable for matters of concern

13:00 – 15:00
Water Goat


Void of roads: Obstacles on the way, delays.

15:00 – 17:00
Wood Monkey

seeking for help, legal cases

beginning of treatment

White Tiger: Not suitable for medical procedures and other activities that can cause cuts and injuries.

Hevenly Official hour: The hour is good for contacting a superior or a court when support is needed.

Heavenly Nobleman hour: A very auspicious hour. It not only brings positive energy, but is also able to neutralize bad influences. Leads out of the void and copes with the destroyer of the year.

17:00 – 19:00
Wood Rooster

Not suitable for important matters

Day breaker: The energy of the hour goes against the energy of the day. Do not choose this hour for important matters.

Nephrite Palace: Good for acquiring things of value, business transactions and solving financial problems

19:00 – 21:00
Fire Dog

meetings, romantic date, wedding, housewarming

Combination of branches: Favorable for speaking, presentations, reasoning, and bridge-building.

Happy Ghost: The star is suitable for happy events: wedding, anniversary, holiday

21:00 – 23:00
Fire Pig

Not suitable for important matters

Black Tortoise: Does not suit to start matters of significance - may lead to robbery or losses.

Treasure star: Time suits to solve finncial problems

23:00 – 00:00
Earth Late Rat

seeking for help

travel, investments, buying property, starting a business, signing of documents, wedding, romantic date, meetings

Empty hour: The time is unfavorable for traveling and money transactions.

Unzivilized Punishment: The combination of the day and hour may give rise to impiety, conflicts are possible.

Heavenly Nobleman hour: A very auspicious hour. It not only brings positive energy, but is also able to neutralize bad influences. Leads out of the void and copes with the destroyer of the year.

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