
Incorrect login or password

If you see the message Invalid username or password when you log in to the site, it means that you have entered the wrong username, password, or both.

When entering a login (email), it is important to specify it in full, just as you specified it during registration.

A password is case sensitive, so make sure to check the keyboard layout (Rus/Eng), that the CapsLock key is not enabled. In addition, you can confuse the big letter "I" and the small "L".

The easiest way to enter a password is to:
  • copy it to the clipboard using the Ctrl + C or + C key combination
  • paste it into the password field using the Ctrl + V or + V key combination

If you copy the password via the clipboard, make sure that you have not copied the space, tab, or line break character.

If you forgot your password, you can always request a new one. To do this, click the "Forgot your password?" link in the login window.

New term
Rename with administrator permission! The variable is required for the new term.
Allowed characters are A-Z, numbers, and the underscore character. You can add a new variable in "Language Management".
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You will receive an email with a new password shortly (can get into spam folder).


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