One of the most popular activations, in order to attract the right people in life.
Who can you attract:
- A loved one
- Clients
- Customers
- A partner
- A long-awaited child (conception)
Please, remember, that you cannot make anyone fall in love with you. Heaven knows better what kind of person you actually need!
This activation can be conducted only 3 months per year, while your desire does not really matter, but it is your date of birth (bazi) that matters. The calculation will be sent out to you for one year (6-10 dates).
Please, make an order and email us the following information BEFORE you complete the payment:
- Your date of birth, preferably including time and place
- What exactly do you want to activate in your life
- The city where you will conduct activations
- Please describe the most important events in your life – both bad and good ones. What years were beneficial to you in terms of finances, and which were not.
This activation doesn’t fit everyone. Please wait for confirmation from our side first and then complete the payment.
My job is connected with client service, which makes arrival of clients the utmost importance. I liked activation “pushing in people”. After you conduct it, potential clients start coming and calling you. It’s like the cherry on top! Strongly recommend!
If you are experiencing difficulties in selecting the correct activations, then we will gladly help you to choose the most effective package. In order to do this, please email us at
We will respond to you within 24 hours and will recommend you the best activations specifically for you!
Добрый день. Активизация вталкивание делается по универсальной ци?